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Your click
Daily Ad -$0.01
Extended -$0.02
Standard -$0.01
Mini Ad -$0.005
Micro Ad -$0.001
Fixed Ad -$0.001

Referral click
Daily Ad -$0.0005
Extended -$0.01
Standard -$0.005
Mini Ad -$0.001
Micro Ad -$0.0001
Fixed Ad -$0.0001

Simple earning
Just watch advertisements to earn money.

Simple tasks
Many tasks to do and offerwalls with huge earning potential.

Referring made easy
Great referral system with only real referrals.

Many payment options
PayPal, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin

- Guaranteed ads daily
- Low cost Premium account which will quickly pay you back.
- 3 offer walls, Matomy, SuperRewards, MinuteStaff - their number will gradually increase.
- Low minimum, fixed payment amount $4.
- Instant payments for Premium members.
- Several types of accounts to deposit and withdraw funds, Payza should appear soon as well.

[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]