I am proud to inform all clickers forum members,
That we are going to apply new verification algorithm in Future Plugins.

Save your self from Getting Banned For Plugins
  • If you are sharing Plugins online , then your username will be added to blacklist.
  • If your username is in blacklist you will get error "notEnoughCredits".
  • So Stop Sharing , else you will not able to use even a single plugin from clickers.info.

  • Downline of Plugin sharing people will be added to blacklist.
  • Note: If you are free user and get key of Multiclicker Plugin from those online plugin sharers , then your username will be added to blacklist.

Be Aware Save yourself from the Strom of BOSS.
Can I generate key for my referrals ?
  • Yes you can.
  • Rule is you can not share keys and plugins online.
  • If we found that you are using blog , forum , website for getting referrals and they contact you for keys online, then you will be banned.
  • else you can generate key for multiple accounts and friends also.

More Changes Coming soon after the release of Multiclicker 2.4.6...
Have A Nice Day.

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