CLICKERS |The Ultimate Money making community | Since 2012 FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Do I have to wait for 3 hours for generating key, if I buy VIP ?

No waiting absolutely. You can generate key without waiting if you are VIP.

I am getting "Bad Serial Key"

It simply means you didn't generated key properly.key depends on "sitename" and your "username". they are case-sensitive, means "sitename" & "Sitename" , "username" & "Username" are different. some sites requires email to login(note written on plugin thread if email required) , so use email instead of username to generate key.

What are benefits of VIP ?

After purchasing VIP subscription ,
*you will get access to VIP plugins section
*you can generate unlimited keys without waiting
*you will get access to private IM chat in which VIP members discuss
*you will get access to private VIP discussion section in forum

Where can I buy VIP ?

You can simply proceed to following link and proceed to payment your VIP will be activated automatically in few minutes after your payment :

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