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View Full Version : New Plugin algorithm to stop MultiClicker Plugin Sharing

01-25-2014, 15:53
I am proud to inform all clickers forum members,
That we are going to apply new verification algorithm in Future Plugins.
Save your self from Getting Banned For Plugins

If you are sharing Plugins online , then your username will be added to blacklist.
If your username is in blacklist you will get error "notEnoughCredits".
So Stop Sharing , else you will not able to use even a single plugin from clickers.info.


Downline of Plugin sharing people will be added to blacklist.
Note: If you are free user and get key of Multiclicker Plugin from those online plugin sharers , then your username will be added to blacklist.

Be Aware Save yourself from the Strom of BOSS.
Can I generate key for my referrals ?

Yes you can.
Rule is you can not share keys and plugins online.
If we found that you are using blog , forum , website for getting referrals and they contact you for keys online, then you will be banned.
else you can generate key for multiple accounts and friends also.

More Changes Coming soon after the release of Multiclicker 2.4.6...
Have A Nice Day.