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View Full Version : fairbux & pinoy

08-17-2013, 03:36
Unfortunately the errors of fairbux and pinoyincomebux transfered from 2.3 to 3.4


same problem as 2.3 plugins are working but when i close mc2 and restart it got plugin error or modified script
plz re-update them


08-17-2013, 13:11
Updating the plugins won't solve the problem..
Try to start each one individually and see what happens..

08-19-2013, 00:55
on my mc when i start the 2 plugins i got plugin error or modified script
when i re-ad 'em they work and they ask for capcha (all ng plugins dont ask for capcha if you haven't change ip or the first five to six numbers of the ip

So i change ip to a different range
example =the ip that i log for these sites.Working only if re-ad

solution= first five to six numbers of the ip changed,now plugin works without remove re-ad and asks for capcha,and finally works

PS:Pinoyincomebux was working fine,just before the update frenzy of the NG plugins Laflour and 8085 did after that,it got sick.For fairbux i dont remember

i really hope there will be a solution

ps:the ip's are just an example

08-19-2013, 10:52
Both are updated to 2.4.2