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View Full Version : [METHOD] How I earn $6k/month on Instagram

01-05-2016, 07:46
Hi clickers! I'm glad I found this forum because there is a lot value to be taken away from this community. I've got a lot of advice on how to be better with my money so I figured I would share my ig money making method with you guys. You can make a lot of income on ig if you know what you are doing. I have built a few big accounts on instagram and monetized them many ways. You can bring in some nice beer money, or you can bring in enough income to take the place of your job. if you spread out your thinking and use a wide net to find your niches... there is enough money for all of us so I figured i'd start a thread to show how i personally make between 6-7k every month on ig.

1) Finding A Green Niche
Very important.... you want to be in a niche that will enable you to get lots and lots of followers. Your goal will be to build pages that reach millions, so pick a niche where its possible to get a ton of followers. Another thing to keep in mind is to make sure that there are plenty of ways to monetize those pages. Think as large scale as you can (authority websites, clickbank, amazon affiliate, selling shoutouts, CPA offers, etc) because once you truly hit your maximum potential, you want to make as much money as possible from the account. Don't get knee deep in creating accounts and then start asking people how you can monetize the niche. Thats backwards... think of how to monetize first. An example niche is fitness.

2) Getting started
Once you have chosen your niche and have figured out ways to monetize your page, the first thing that you need to do is follow a few accounts in that niche and let it age a bit. I like to keep it for at least a week before I begin to build it up... or i will use an old account. Also make sure to choose a targeted profile pic because profile pics are very important when gaining new followers.

3) Creating Authority
Here is the fun part. First thing you need to do is buy followers... I will explain why shortly. I like to buy at least 50k followers or more to begin with when I am going after a bigger niche. Its going to vary from niche to niche though. I use followersgrow.com because i've had the best experience with them and i've heard from other marketers that they are the safest. So once you have ordered the followers, start posting photos... anywhere from 20 - 30 posts. Start sending fake likes to all of these posts... anywhere between 500 to a 1000 likes per post. Now that you have padded your posts with likes, go on google and search "best (insert your niche here) hashtags" and you will find several sites in google to get popular hashtags in your niche. TagsForLikes is an app that i use too. Copy and paste these tags under your pics. The tags will help these posts begin to get real likes and comments and now it will seem a lot more natural. By now you have a ton of followers, likes and comments. So now anyone who visits your page will think of your account as an established authority account in that niche. The whole purpose of doing this is to create an authority profile, so this is an important part of the process.

4) Building A Following
There are a few bots that you can use to automate the following process. but you can also use iMacros if you’re familiar with it. I didn't start automating with a bot until I was a few accounts in honestly, so don't let these automation instructions stop you from taking action. You don't need fancy bots for this method to work... I've made lots of money before i started using bots with this method. First find an account in your niche that has active followers. You can easily check this by looking at the recent pics of the account. Simply start following the people who liked their most recent post. Unfollow all non followers after 3 days. Since your account already has the authority from the followers and likes that you purchased, 80% of the users who visit your page will follow you back. It’s that simple. Keep rinsing and repeating this and you will have tons of targeted followers in no time. The way things are moving. With instagram I have been buying a lot more ads through them as well. Their algorithm is constantly changing and making it more of a requirement to buy ads to get the most engagement. It's not something that you NEED to do but it is definitely helping more and more. Next thing you need to do is buy shoutouts (pay people to post on their page) from pages in the same niche. Most of these pages are run by average people so they really don't know what to charge. Just send them a DM saying you want a shoutout and you will pay $20 for it. I am saying $20 as in a general number and of course you will have to offer them according to their page. Give them the price according to the activity on the page. I have gained around 5k - 10k followers from each shoutout I bought from a specific account. When I say each shoutout I mean making a long term deal with an account so they keep promoting your account. Its all about getting the right shoutouts. I have built up quite a lot of massive IG accounts using this exact method and it works wonders.

5) Scaling up and Monetization
Once you hit 50k followers start monetizing and putting that investment money back in your pocket. Make more money and buy more shoutouts and keep scaling it up. Make it a circular process. Your automation software (if you are using it) will also be bringing you thousands of followers as well. If you continuously follow the followers of the “whale” accounts in your niche, eventually you will start to appear in the suggested users of some big names in your niche. This is where big attention starts to come and you can make some serious dough. Once your account starts making money, move on to another one and keep multiplying because you want as many money making accounts as you can get under your wings.

6) Conclusion
Thats all of it! Thats how I do it and this method has proven to be very successful for me. Yes you do have to invest money but you will get your returns in no time because if you followed all the steps properly, your account will make you a TON of cash. The most important step is to take action! Let me know if you guys have any questions about any of this.