09-07-2014, 23:29
2.[Only registered and activated users can see links]
Earn $0.01 per click
Earn $0.005 per referral click
The minimum amount to withdraw is $2.
All payments will be made via Payza and Payza.
Today, we launch in a beta-phase, which means that during the next few weeks, we will see how the site reacts to going live. As with every other new project, a real live test is necessary to ensure that everything works as it should. Therefore, during this phase, features that involves earning money has been disabled, such as: viewing advertisements, completing offers, renting referrals.
Everyone that joins during this beta-phase, will receive the special membership "Pioneer", which will only be available during this period!
[Only registered and activated users can see links] ([Only registered and activated users can see links])
2.[Only registered and activated users can see links]
Earn $0.01 per click
Earn $0.005 per referral click
The minimum amount to withdraw is $2.
All payments will be made via Payza and Payza.
Today, we launch in a beta-phase, which means that during the next few weeks, we will see how the site reacts to going live. As with every other new project, a real live test is necessary to ensure that everything works as it should. Therefore, during this phase, features that involves earning money has been disabled, such as: viewing advertisements, completing offers, renting referrals.
Everyone that joins during this beta-phase, will receive the special membership "Pioneer", which will only be available during this period!
[Only registered and activated users can see links] ([Only registered and activated users can see links])