Quote Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Thats ok no prob at all ... and yes .site file belongs in that folder and yes plugins mean .site files the reason i asked why you putting them in site folder is i thought you trying to do something by removing and adding files again and again in site folder

now as you said you are using 2.3 i would like to tell most of the plugins are getting updated to 2.4 now so try to move on to 2.4 it is fast got more options and you can use mouse for catchas etc.

and you dont have to change the serial key in plugins every time once you have generated a key just keep it safe with you
you will only need to enter it again when you are adding the plugin again in MC2 suppose you got a error bad serial key or the plugin has been updated you will have to remove the plugin than add it again at this point you have to paste your serial key again along with login details

Ok all of this makes sense.I finally got the whole serial key thing. In case the plugin has a bad serial key error there will be a section to put in a key in the log in area, kind of like some sites require an email.

As for 2.3 and 2.4, why not use both. My 2.3 was an installation, while the 2.4 is just an exe. Right now I assume there are more plugins for 2.3 and the site I got my plugins from has them for 2.3.

My only problem now is that like half of them don't show up in multiclicker. In both 2.3 and 2.4. I initially moved the plug ins from 2.3 to 2.4 to test if they would work (this was before you answered my question), they didn't (plug in error). Then I moved them back to 2.3 now half don't show up at all.

Again thanks for the help.